Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Off to a crazy start already....

Our 14 year old golden lab Bucky a.k.a. Marley, managed to knock over our 8 ft. Christmas tree, snapping it in half, without breaking a single ornament. All we could do was laugh. At least it was the day after Christmas. Although, everyday up to that moment it was predicted that a horrific incident like this would occur. Each time, our dear old Bucky would pass the tree, he would always manage to walk threateningly close by it, causing the artificial timber to spin in its base. One of these whirls caused the loss of our star. Another whirl gave the tree a leaning, artistic effect. One thing is for sure, each spin each day gave us a new look at our ornaments. I guess thats looking at the bright side of things.

Our third day into January and we find ourselves paying a visit to our orthopedic doctor. That's right...a new broken bone in our family. Who is it this time you wonder. The winner is Maddie. Our dear, sweet, shy, quiet, young lady breaks her 5th metacarpal (hand bone) of her left hand. Fortunately, it was a simple fracture, easily repaired with only rest and the use of a splint.

What else awaits us, we can only imagine, but we know one thing is for sure...God is faithful and good!